The walking group (WALK the Wessex Aviator’s Leisure Klub) continues to meet fortnightly—look out for announcements via email.
​Friday 18 October
Bimble, burger, beans... and quiz
The Henstridge clubhouse will be open for a simple supper at 18:30 on Friday 18 October. The
menu might well feature burgers and beans... but our Geoff moves in mysterious ways and no
doubt the choice of food will be finalised nearer the time.
If the weather is good, you could go for a local flight beforehand if you wish. After supper
there’s going to be a quiz, so please get a team together and prepare to be tested on aviation
and general knowledge, trivia and more.
If you plan to come along, please let Vic know via so we can give
Geoff a feel for numbers.
​Friday 15 November
AGM and photography competition
​Friday 13 December
Flying the North Cape: a talk by John Hunt
​Friday 17 January
Possible talk on the LAA Coaching Scheme
​Friday 21 February
Strut Awards Night, with special guest
The Battle of Britain in the west country, by John Smith
For Informal Fly-outs – see other events: