The walking group (WALK the Wessex Aviator’s Leisure Klub) continues to meet fortnightly—look out for announcements via email.
​​Friday 21 February
Strut Awards Night, with special guest speaker Angela Barski from Bournemouth ATC.
Friday 21 March
Talk with Dee & John on their European flight
Monday 24 March
Strut visit to Hercules Propellors
Friday 11 April
Talk with the Air Ambulance, including first aid
Friday 16 May
BBB and/or Quiz depending on weather
Sunday 1 June
Strut Fly-in
Saturday 21 June
Mid-summer meeting, Dave Linney at MiddleZoy
Monday 14 July
BBQ at the Whicher’s
Saturday 16 August
Come And Meet Each Other (CAMEO) – push aeroplanes out
Saturday 6 September
Edington Hill
September/November - date TBC
Skydemon Talk
For Informal Fly-outs – see other events: